72 Hour Care Kit

I want to share something that has worked for me, getting me one step closer to being prepared.

I think I got this idea from my friend, Marne. She has a website called Making Life Sweet...one deal at a time. She blogs about couponing, freebies, deals, etc..and she always has a lot of great advice.

A while back, she shared the idea to have free samples sent in the mail to help establish a 72 Hour Kit, or for use during traveling.

I decided right away to do it. I signed up on two websites, Start Sampling and Walmart. I decided to create a separate hotmail email account (one specific for this purpose), and when I fill out the form to have the sample sent, I always use the same name (even though it is a variation of my name, like J. or Jules--I do this because I like to track how my information is circulated).

A couple of weeks after I signed up, the free samples just started pouring in. I received such a variety of samples, from shampoo and conditioner, lotion, toothpaste and toothbrushes, body washes, household items, baby products and more.

I grabbed an old backpack, pulled out some ziploc bags and a sharpie, and started sorting the samples out.

Now, I have a backpack full of body care items that I can grab in case of an emergency and all members of my family will have the items they need to care for hygeine and other needs. It is lightweight and easy to pack.

This process has been effortless and I recommend it highly.

Preparedness Challenge: Week 37

This is your challenge for the week of Sunday, October 12, through Saturday, October 18.

Week 37

This week, make a copy of all of your usernames and passwords for online accounts. This assignment is a little tricky, though. You don't want this list to end up in the wrong hands resulting in you being completely vulnerable to online thievery. One suggestion (I learned this from my IT savvy husband) is to list your username, but instead of your password, list a word associated with it, not the actual password.

If you are like me, you use the same password for a lot of different sites and accounts. So, if your password is:


You could list the word 'Winter' or 'Cold' in place of your password. After you've created your list, place a copy behind your 'Other' divider tab in your GAG binder.

While shopping, try to purchase some extra wraps and bags. For example, purchase aluminum foil, garbage bags, freezer bags, saran wrap, wax paper, etc..

Good Luck, and I'll check in next week!

Preparedness Challenge: Week 36

This is your challenge for the week of September 14 through September 20.

Week 36

This week, make a back up of your important computer files. Save your back up on a compact disc (data cd), and place the disc into a sheet protector in your binder behind the 'Other' tab.

While shopping, purchase some iodized salt. Salt seasons, preserves, can be used as a toothpaste, and a de-icer. It's cheap, and has many uses.

Preparedness Challenge: Week 35

This is your challenge for the week of Sunday, September 7 through Saturday, September 13.

Week 35

This week, we are moving to the 'Other' divider tab in our GAG Binders. Your first assignment is to make a copy of your personal address book and place it behind the 'Other' divider tab.

If you keep your information on the computer, print it out, staple it, and add it to your binder. If you keep your information on paper with pencil, make copies of each page and add it to your binder.

While shopping, purchase some extra medical supplies. Be sure to buy what your family uses, whether it be Tylenol or Aspirin, etc. Don't forget to purchase children's medicine.

Go get it done!

Preparedness Challenge: Week 34

(*Sorry, I took a two week break.)

This is your challenge for August 31 to September 6.

Week 34

We are still making copies to be placed behind our Financial Records divider tab. After this week, this category will be complete.

This week, make copies of any other financial records that you feel are important and place them behind your Financial Records divider tab.

While shopping, get more peas, legumes, dried potatoes, and dried onions. Or, you can even try dehydrating some of your own.

Good luck!

Preparedness Challenge: Week 33

This is your challenge for the week of August 10 through August 16.

Week 33

This week, make a copy of your most recent bank statement(s), and place them behind your Financial Records tab in your binder.

While shopping, purchase extra vegetables. You can purchase canned or frozen. If you planted a garden, and are yielding produce, try canning or dehydrating some of your produce.

Good luck!

Preparedness Challenge: Weeks 31 & 32

I know it's late, but here's your challenge for last week and this week.

Weeks 31 & 32

Make a copy of your credit card (front and back) and place the copy in your binder behind the Financial Records tab. Keep this copy current.

Also, make a copy of any paper work for stocks, bonds, CD's, money market, etc...and place these copies behind the same tab.

When shopping, take advantage of Back to School sales. For example, paper, pencils, crayons, envelopes, stamps, journals, etc....

If you have a little extra money and time (ha ha!) buy some fruit and do some canning.

Game on!