Preparedness Challenge: Week 5

This is your challenge for January 27 through February 3.

Follow this link for the Preparedness Challenge Label for weeks 1-4 and information on the Grab and Go (the GAG) Notebook that all of this information will go into.

Week 5:

Make copies of the following licenses/certificates that pertain to you and your family:


Place the copies behind the 'Proof of Identification' tab in the GAG notebook.

While shopping this week purchase juices (either concentrate or powdered) for your food storage. Examples are lemon, orange, or grapefruit juice. Or you might like powdered juice like Tang or Kool-aid. Purchase what your family likes to drink. Just get enough extra to rotate in your food storage. It is wiser to have food storage for only a few weeks or months, than to have no food storage at all.

Tip: It is recommended that 14 gallons of water, per person, should be stored for a two week emergency. Don't forget that other sources of safe water include ice from the fridge, water heater, toilet tank, and pipes.

I am doing this along with you. Last weekend, for the week 4 goal, we purchased over $100 in paper products from Costco. We were barely able to get our groceries and goods into the car. We had such a full cart because we go to Costco quarterly now, instead of bi-weekly like we did when we lived in southern Utah. We had become one of 'those people' that you see with the cart brimming full of stuff and thankful that you don't have their bill. It was quite ridiculous, but now we're set for a good length of time.

Preparedness Challenge: Week 4

This is your challenge for January 20 through January 26.

See weeks 1-3, here. And if you need to find more information about the Grab and Go Emergency Notebook (the GAG), you can find it here and here.

Week 4:

Make copies of any passports you have, and place the copies in the GAG behind the Proof of Identification divider.

During your shopping this week, purchase extra:

Paper supplies, paper towels, plates, cups, Kleenex, toilet paper, napkins and utensils. Remember to buy the largest amount you can sensibly afford. Don't go into debt to become prepared. That is not the point.

Other tips: If you miss a week, skip to the next week. Don't get behind. Staying current will allow you to not become overwhelmed. Do what you can. Also, if you are not able to make purchases during a given week, make a note of the items not purchased and try to pick them up next year around. You have time.

However, the old adage is, "When the time of need arrives, the time for preparation is past".

Preparedness Challenge: Weeks 1-3

Since we are starting a little late in the new year, I will give you three weeks worth of assignments at once. I know, not very fun, but once we get caught up, you will recognize that the effort was worth it.

For your Grab and Go Emergency Notebook, make copies of your driver's licenses, birth certificates, and social security cards. After making the copies, place them in a page protector and file them behind your "Proof of Identification" divider.


For your food supply (and other necessary items), buy what you can afford in these categories. Add just a couple of extra things than you would normally buy, and designate it for your emergency supply.

Week 1:
Watch for and buy 50% off on Christmas items, cards, paper, ribbons, etc..

Week 2:
Laundry and dish detergents, bleach, cleansers, bathroom, window, and toilet cleaners.

Week 3:
Medical supplies: aspirin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Vicks-- whatever your family needs. Make sure you get the medicines that your children need, also.

Preparedness Challenge: The Plan

This post was supposed to be finished and posted on Sunday, however, I have had a couple of hiccups since then. I had to figure out how to upload a .pdf file to Blogger, and that took some time. I think I have it figured out now, so let's get started.

The Plan

Every Sunday we are going to work on our Grab and Go (GAG) Emergency Notebook. I'm also going to give you a weekly task to help you build up an adequate food (and other necessary items) supply. Each month will have four weeks with designated items you should buy for that week.

To begin, you'll need:

1 three-ring binder
10 page protector sheets (to begin, add more as needed)
1 set of binder divider tabs (these usually sell with 5 tabs, you will need 7)

The first page in your binder will be a list of all the Important Documents you need to get copies of. Download this file, called Important Documents, onto your computer to print off at home. Slip this paper into a sheet protector.

Next, download this file, called Personal Information, print it off, fill it out, then place it behind your Important Documents list (in the same sheet protector). Save this file to your computer so you can update it periodically.

Using your tab binder dividers, label each divider according to your Important Documents sheet. For example, Proof of Identification, Property Records, Insurance Policies, etc....

As we work on this book making copies and adding documents, we will use the page protectors to keep our copies from being ruined.

This book, when finished, should be placed in the trunk of your car, at a friends house, or in another safe place where you can get to it quickly or keep it from being ruined.

Preparedness Challenge

In this post, I mentioned my Grab and Go Emergency Notebook. I thought it would be a good idea to share this notebook with my readers, and encourage you to make a notebook of your own.

What I want to create is a weekly post, on Sundays (because this is usually the day I have the time to reflect on the things I need to prepare in my life), that will set our goal(s) for the week. We have one year to accomplish these goals, and by using the posts, we will be able to break up our 'To Do's' into manageable tasks.

Our goal is to finish our Grab and Go Emergency Notebooks, and to get our food supply in order so we are prepared for anything our futures might bring us.

Up next:
The Plan