Preparedness Challenge: Week 12

This is your challenge for the week of March 16 through March 22.

The entire challenge can be found here.

Week 12:

Our last important document to file under the Property Records divider tab is a copy of purchased cemetery lots. I know, morbid, huh? If this is some property that you haven't purchased, I seriously urge you to consider it. If you can say assuredly and categorically where you would want to be buried if you died today, then go and buy a plot there. This is one task your loved ones will thank you for taking care of before you pass on to the next life. Believe me. I recently purchased a plot for a dear one, and it is one memory- one task- that I could have done without.

If you already own a plot, good for you. Now make a copy of the record and get it filed in your GAG notebook.

Food storage:

When shopping this week, buy extra rice and dried beans/legumes. Include the types of rice and beans you already eat, but also try to introduce a new bean to your diet. I want to encourage you to change your diet to include more of this food category. If you only eat white rice, purchase a bag of brown rice and give it a try. If you consistently consume black and pinto beans, give kidney, lima and navy beans a try.

I make a batch of beans in my crockpot every once and a while. I soak the beans overnight in a bowl. In the morning, I drain the soak water, and transfer the beans to a crockpot. I add fresh water, and cook the beans on low all day. After the beans are cooked, I will add seasoning to taste, and portion out the beans. I put part of the pot in the fridge, and the majority of the beans in the freezer.

Canned beans are very convenient, but have a lot of extra preservatives and salt in them. It is important to learn how to cook beans from scratch so you can incorporate them into your diet.

With that said, does anyone have a favorite bean recipe to share with me? I would really like to know how to cook my beans to taste like the beans at Cafe Rio. Anyone have that recipe?

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