Preparedness Challenge: Week 14

This is your challenge for the week of March 31 through April 6.

Week 14

This week, make a copy of your health insurance policy, and place the copy behind the insurance policies divider tab.

Food Storage

While shopping this week, buy extra powdered milk. You can purchase instant nonfat, flavored nonfat, dry whole milk, or dry buttermilk for your food storage.

Milk has a short storage life (once it has been opened), so you should buy container (or store your milk in containers) that are appropriate for your family size. If you purchase milk in a large container, consider breaking it down and repackaging it into smaller containers.

My favorite brand of instant nonfat powdered milk is made by Country Cream. I purchase it from Macey's (a Utah food store). I don't drink milk (we drink soymilk by Silk), but I use powered milk all the time to cook with. This milk, when mixed, doesn't taste like powered milk. It has a rich, creamy taste.

I know a lot of people also like the Morning Moos brand. Morning Moos has chocolate, strawberry and orange flavored milk, as well as regular milk. Orange flavored milk sounds so disgusting to me. Maybe it is good? I have no idea.

Good luck with the challenge, and let me know how you are doing.

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